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“ú–{•Ù—Žm‰ï Japan Patent Attorneys Association We support intellectual creation.

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About us

Affiliated Organization

  Affiliated Organizations Description
1 Education Institute The Education Institute was the first affiliated organization of JPAA, established in fiscal 1978 to develop complete in-service training, which had been conducted by the Training Committee up to then, and to enhance the effectiveness and operation of such in-service training.
The Institute provides a variety of training programs to qualified patent attorneys and trial attorneys under the Rules of the JPAA, and others deemed appropriate in the opinion of President and/or Vice Presidents of JPAA, to upgrade their existing skills. At present, subject to the approval of the President and Vice Presidents of JPAA, the Institute performs its training activities in a proactive manner, in collaboration with other professional associations, such as the Daini Tokyo Bar Association and the Tokyo Regional Office of the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
2 Central Research Institute of Intellectual Property The Central Research Institute of Intellectual Property was established in 1996 as a JPAA-affiliated organization. Since then it has been performing activities to achieve its objective: to contribute to the sound development of the intellectual property system and the patent attorney system. This includes not only conducting research into domestic and foreign issues concerning intellectual property and patent attorney activities from a long-term and international perspective, and providing information thereon, but also by performing services in connection therewith.
3 Intellectual Property Assistance and Support Center To systematically expand the on-going activities of JPAA to encourage inventions and to put the patent system into wide use, the Intellectual Property Assistance and Support Center was inaugurated on April 1, 1999, as an affiliated organization of the JPAA. The Center engages in the following activities to foster an IP-driven mindset and to improve the IP-related infrastructure through social services (support activities) for patent attorneys, thereby contributing to the development of the intellectual property system:
1. To enhance people's awareness of the intellectual property system and to put it into wider use;
2. To encourage intellectual creation efforts and to support the fruits thereof;
3. To promote the acquisition and utilization of intellectual property rights;
4. To provide education, advice, and consulting on the acquisition and utilization of intellectual property rights;
5. To provide information on intellectual properties.
4 International Activities Center  
5 Intellectual Property Evaluation
Promotion Center
The Intellectual Property Evaluation Promotion Center is intended to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of patent attorneys' evaluation of intellectual property, and thereby contribute to the utilization of intellectual property by improving the objectiveness and validity of valuation service of patent attorneys and by providing services to support patent attorneys in evaluating intellectual property.
More specifically, the institution engages itself in the following services:
1. To formulate, modify, or repeal guidelines for reference in performing evaluation services, and to promote the use thereof;
2. To collect, maintain, and undertake research on materials and information concerning evaluations and evaluation services; and to present suggestions based on such research;
3. To conduct training programs in evaluation and evaluation services and explanatory meetings thereon;
4. To nominate competent patent attorneys for evaluations at the request of the courts and other bodies; and to prepare and maintain a registry that underlies such nomination;
5. Other clerical work and services that the President and Vice Presidents of the JPAA find necessary for evaluations or evaluation services.
6 Japan Intellectual Property
Arbitration Center
The Japan Intellectual Property Arbitration Center is an Alternative Dispute Resolution organization, originally established in March 1998 and put into operation on April 1, 1998, under the name of "Industrial Property Arbitration Center" by JPAA and the Japan Federation of Bar Associations to settle disputes arising from or in connection with industrial property rights.
The Center concluded an agreement with the Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC) in August 2000 under which it was appointed an "Accredited JP Domain-Name-Related Dispute Settlement Organization with authority to settle disputes over "JP" domain names for use on the Internet registered with JPNIC. The Center later changed its name to "Japan Intellectual Property Arbitration Center" to reflect the expansion of its services to include intellectual property.
Furthermore, the Center started a new service named "Center-based Hantei (advisory opinions on the technical scope of patented inventions,)" effective from March 2004.

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