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日本弁理士会 Japan Patent Attorneys Association We support intellectual creation.

Home > About us > Commitees formed by the Execuive Committee

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Commitees formed by the Execuive Committee

  Committee Membership Authorites
1 Regional IP Activity Headquarters 40 or less 1. To develop plans and to coordinate such planning in accordance with its policy.
2 Industrial Competitiveness Promotion Committee 35 or less 1. To study for promotive industrial strength through intellectual property;.
2. To study the implementation of IP-related activities for the enhancement of the industrial; strength of Japanese companies; and to work on outcomes of its activities;
3. To examine the Customs Tariff Law-based water-edge control;
4. To work with relevant authorities and bodies about matters under the preceding items 1, 2, and 3; and
5. To publish the findings of its research at home and abroad.
3 Patent Attorney Recommendation Committee 15 or less 1. To meet requests from outside organizations to recommend patent attorneys.
4 Financial Committee 20 or less 1. To study the implementation of the audit of finance of the Japan Patent Attorneys Association.
5 Patent Committee 40 or less 1. To study the implementation of the patent and utility model systems and the examination standards thereunder;
2. To study the implementation of the Patent Cooperation Treaty and other patent-related conventions;
3. To work with relevant authorities and bodies about matters concerning the Patent Law, other patent-related conventions, and the Utility Model Law;
4. To study the implementation of the protection of know-how and other arts;
5. To work on discussions with the Patent Office Society; and
6. To publish the outcomes of its activities externally and internally.
6 Design Committee 30 or less 1. To study the implementation of the design protection system under the Design Law, the Copyright Law, and the Unfair Competition Prevention Law, and the examination standards thereunder;
2. To study the implementation of international conventions concerning design;
3. To work with relevant authorities and bodies about matters concerning the Design Law, the Copyright Law, the Unfair Competition Prevention Law and design-related conventions; and
4. To publish the outcomes of its activities externally and internally.
7 Branch Office Liaison
25 or less 1. To consider and deal with problems concerning the establishment of new branch offices and their operations.
8 Trademark Committee 40 or less 1. To study the implementation of the trademark system and the examination standards thereunder;
2. To study the implementation of international conventions concerning trademarks;
3. To work with relevant authorities and bodies about important matters concerning the Trademark Law, the Unfair Competition Prevention Law, and trademark-related conventions;
4. To study the implementation of statements on the Internet, such as domain names and so forth; and
5. To publish the outcomes of its activities externally and internally.
9 Copyright Committee 35 or less 1. To study the implementation of the copyright system;
2. To study the implementation of the protection and use of the contents of copyrighted work;
3. To work with relevant authorities and bodies about matters under the preceding Items 1 and 2; and
4. To publish the outcomes of its research externally and internally.
10 Unfair Competition Law Committee 35 or less 1. To study the implementation of the Unfair Competition Prevention Law;
2. To work with relevant authorities and bodies about matters under the preceding Item 1; and
3. To publish the outcomes of its activities externally and internally.
11 Patent Attorneys Law
Revision Special Committee
30 or less 1. To study the implementation of the patent attorney system and to consider the possibility of and form plans for the revision of the Patent Attorneys Law; and
2. To work with the Japan Patent Office and other concerned authorities about proposed revisions to the Patent Attorneys Law.
12 Rules and Regulations Committee 25 or less To study the implementation of and form plans for the rules and regulations of JPAA; to review the Rules of JPAA and other rules and regulations in general; and to take measures to align such rules and regulations.
13 Policy Advisory Committee 25 or less 1. To consider, in a comprehensive manner, the Japan Patent Attorneys Association, the patent attorney system, and the intellectual property system, and the JPAA's medium and long-term programs to support intellectual property;
2. To study the implementation of and consider and form plans for the comprehensive coordination of the activities of the JPAA's committees, except those formed under its rules and regulations and those formed by its Board of Council Members;
3. To study the implementation of and consider and form plans for any matter concerning such business of the JPAA that does not belong in the competence of any other committee of the JPAA; and
4. To study the implementation of and form plans regarding management issues of the members of JPAA.
14 Patent System Operation
Consultation Committee
30 or less 1. To study the implementation of measures to improve the operational efficiency of the patent system, to expedite the proceedings of examination and trial and appeal cases, and to cope with the needs of electronic application, formalities, and information regarding issued patents; and to work with the Japan Patent Office and other concerned authorities through consultations therewith.
15 Technological Standard
20 or less 1. To study the implementation of and consider technological standards; and
2. To publish the results of its research internally and externally.
16 Patent Magazine Editing Committee 30 or less 1. To make preparations for, edit, and undertake clerical work involved in the publication of the "Patent" magazine of the JPAA.
17 ADR Promotion Committee 30 or less 1. To take measures to support the services of the Japan Intellectual Property Arbitration Center;
2. To study the implementation of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) legislation; and
3. To study the implementation of the Civil Affairs Conciliation System.
18 U-40 Committee 20 or less To discuss, consider, and offer opinions on matters concerning the current and future status of patent attorneys and the JPAA; and to discuss, consider, and offer opinions on matters concerning reform of the intellectual property system.
19 AKIBAWING Management
35 or less 1. To handle matters concerning management and operation of the AKIBAWING, the Kanto branch office of the JPAA; and
2. To form plans for and operate the Intellectual Property Academy project and other projects.
20 Compliance Committee 30 or less 1. To carry out preliminary examination of motions for disposition or dispute arbitration in compliance with referral from the President of JPAA, and decide on an appropriate institution to handle such motions;
2. To investigate, consider, and manage the following matters in compliance with referrals from the President of JPAA:
 (1) Declarations under Article 38 of the Rules of the JPAA;
 (2) Omission of reporting or contravention of a recommendation or direction under Article 47 of the Rules of the JPAA;
 (3) Insincere response to a recommendation under Article 48 of the Rules of the JPAA;
 (4) Punishments under Article 52 of the Regulations on Election of Executive Directors (The JPAA Order No. 51);
 (5) Matters for which the President of the JPAA determines it is necessary to consider whether or not an act or omission of the relevant JPAA member falls under the cases set forth in Article 49, Item 1 of the Rules of the JPAA;
 (6) Consultation on complaints about patent attorney services under the Regulations on Consultation Services on Complaints about Patent Attorney's Services (Bylaw No. 72), and the Administration Instruction on Consultation Services on Complaints about Patent Attorney's Services (Bylaw No. 73);
 (7) Reporting under Article 16 of the Rules of Kinki Branch Office (JPAA Order No. 16), Article 16 of the Rules of Tohkai Branch Office (JPAA Order No. 21),
and Article 16 of the Rules of Kyushu Branch Office (The JPAA Order No. 69); and
 (8) Other matters that the President of the JPAA believes to be necessary to investigate, consider, and manage.
3. To undertake research on, form plans for, and provide education concerning patent attorney ethics; and
4. To consider the positioning of the Compliance Committee in the rules and regulations of the JPAA.
21 IP Circulation Advisory
25 or less 1. To study the implementation of circulation and liquidation involving intellectual property trusts and securitization of intellectual property; and
2. To consider the role to be performed by the JPAA concerning intellectual property trusts and securitization of intellectual property.
22 Biotechnology and Life
Science Committee
30 or less 1. To study the implementation of the legal protection system for biotechnology-related inventions;
2. To study the implementation of the protection of inventions in the field of life science, such as regenerative medical techniques;
3. To work with relevant authorities and bodies about matters under the preceding Items 1 and 2; and
4. To publish the outcomes of its activities externally and internally.
23 Software Committee 35 or less 1. To study the implementation of the legal protection of computer-software-related inventions;
2. To study the implementation of the legal protection of digitized information;
3. To study the implementation of legal issues concerning computer software and digital information;
4. To work with relevant authorities and bodies about matters under the preceding Items 1, 2, and 3; and
5. To publish the outcomes of its activities externally and internally..
24 Work Environment
30 or less 1. To consider the working environment of patent attorneys;
2. To consider patent attorney's fees; and
3. To study the implementation of , and form and implement plans for the possibility of building a communication system for JPAA members.
25 Conflict Resolution
25 or less 1. To study the implementation of the areas that individual patent attorneys serve;
2. To deal with violations under Articles 75 and 76 of the Patent Attorneys Law; and
3. To consider and implement preventive measures against other offenses related to intellectual property; and to devise measures to give relief to injured parties.
26 Public Relations Center 35 or less 1. To study the implementation of , and to form and implement plans for issues of public relations concerning the JPAA; and
2. To form and implement plans to expand the use of the patent attorney system.

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